Bishop Auckland Methodist Church

Young church – Sunday 4th October

A gathering prayer for children

Dear God,
we have many goals in our life:
to pass our exams,
get a good job,
be like our favourite celebrity,
have nice things.
But we know that
having you in our lives
is the only true goal.
Help us to see our lives as you do.
Amen. (Prayer taken from roots on the web)

This week, as covid 19 continues, I would like us to think about the Bible reading Philippians 3: 13-14. If you have a Bible near you, please read this reading before we continue. If not, the reading says about struggling for what is ahead. Because of this, I would like you to think about things you could be struggling with at the minute, and how you can resolve that problem. This could simply be struggling to keep your bedroom tidy, or something harder such as struggling with a topic at school.

How can you fix or resolve this problem? Will it require someone else to help you to solve it?

Click here the children’s sheet for this week.

Young church – Sunday 27th September

A gathering prayer for children

Lord Jesus, you were always so interested
in the lives of those around you.
Please help us to learn to be willing
to share ourselves with others;
to accept their differences
with love for them in our hearts.
Amen. ( Prayer taken from roots)

This week, I would like you all to think about what you could do to help someone this week. Due to the current climate of the world, some people are finding things a lot harder than usual.

God is always there to help and guide us through our life, however what can you do this week to help or guide someone else? This could be as simple as smiling at someone, helping a family member with someone, or ringing someone just to check up on them.

What can you do to make someone else smile this week?

11 Surprising Reasons To Smile Every Day | DirectiveGroup

Go to the children’s roots sheet for this week

Young church

Sunday 20th September

Education / Sunday School | Milton United Methodist Church | Bible  lessons for kids, Sunday school preschool, Five finger prayer

This week, as the new local lock down starts, I would like everyone to have a think about those who need praying for.

Firstly, think about those who are closest to you. Your family, who you are in isolation with, but also your wider family who you can’t always see at the minute.

Then, think about those who have a role in society. So this could be police, teachers, anyone else in authority.

Next, think about our leaders. Those deciding what can be done to keep us all safe, playing a big role in society today.

Now, think about those who are weak. This can be those who are alone, or who have COVID. It can also be people who have to work to keep people safe, or cant work to keep them self safe.

Finally, think about yourself. What have you done through lock down, and what else can you do with the rest of the lock down period.

Young Church…

Millie to step in…

Whilst ‘Young Church’ is unable to restart at the moment on a Sunday morning, from next week, keep an eye on this page each week for something from Millie. It might be a prayer or a simple activity, a Bible Story or a video to watch, and it reminds us that church is for everyone, young and old, so check back here next week and see what Millie has for you.

Green Agents of Change

3 Generate and the Environment

If you know a child or young person who is passionate about saving the planet, why not encourage them to come to one of our Green Agent of Change Catalyst Events, hosted in partnership with #AllWeCan, Methodist Global Relationships and #JPIT on 22 August? 

This week’s Methodist podcast features the new COP26 Campaign Workers, Mollie and James, talking about the work they will be doing to help the Methodist Church respond to the climate crisis. We encourage everyone to listen to the podcast which also features the retiring Youth President of the Methodist Church.

Please accept our sincere apologies but there was an issue with the registration link that was sent to you yesterday for the Green Agent of Change Catalyst Events. Parents/Guardians/Carers can now register their children and young people here.

You can still visit the Green Agents of Change web page to find out more about the event.

Action Songs

Missing Holiday Club…?

Some great action songs for you to try at home:

Click on the picture below to go to a great YouTube playlist…

Scripture Union Family Resource

Introducing a series of five devotions for families

This is a series of five devotions that have been specifically written for families confined to their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic by Scripture Union Global. The sessions are designed for all ages and are simple to use – they don’t require lots of set up or materials, just you and your family.

The devotional can be used as your church service on a Sunday or divided up over a few weeknights – you choose what works best for your family. Alternatively, you could join together with other households via an online platform.

The series is structured around the choices we can make during this time. It’s a good time to talk together as families about how we respond to this global crisis. Each devotional will focus on one of these choices:

  • Anxiety v peace: Matthew 6:28-31 – do not worry
  • Boredom v purpose: Matthew 5 – how are we to live?
  • Looking after #1 v caring for others: Matthew 5:13-16 – being salt and light
  • Loneliness v community: Matthew 14 – reaching out to others
  • Fear v faith: Matthew 8:22-27 – Jesus calms the storm

 Practical suggestions for families

  • Find what works best for you, recognising that each family is different. Don’t set high expectations of what the session will look like but celebrate the small wins.
  • Choose a place to have your time together. Have the same place each time to create a routine. This could be around a table or on the couch together.
  • Have at least one adult in the family read through the material beforehand and familiarise themselves with it. Share this responsibility around. One day it could be Dad, the next day it could be Gran.
  • Divide the tasks up. Different members of the family can read the Bible passage or ask the questions or lead a song. A family member might like to play an item as part of the response time.
  • Sharing times can be difficult. To avoid one family member dominating the conversation, encourage active listening: each person shares while the others listen in affirming silence. Then, when everyone has shared, there can be discussion. This allows each person to share without interruptions.

Each session includes

To do a simple fun activity (no materials required)

To talk about a question to get the conversation started

To explore a short Bible passage to read and an optional video clip to view

To think about something for the family to ponder

To respond choose from a few options (prayer ideas, a song to sing, an action)

To pray finish by praying a simple blessing together

If you want to download the devotions go to Scripture Union Global’s webpage and scroll to the bottom and click the buttons for the individual devotions,

Alternatively, click this link to download all the devotions together as a pdf.

The Well – Ideas for Half Term from The Connexion…

Here are ten activities that children or young people might want to try during the half-term to listen to God and inspire creativity:

(Why not print off the list and encourage the children and young people you know to have a go at one or more or all of them?)

  1. Get up to date! Watch a television news broadcast or read some news on the Internet. What stories provoke a reaction? What might God have to say about those stories?
  2. Get sweaty! Take part in some sport or exercise (you might even want to join Methodist staff member Gareth for a boxercise session here). What were your thoughts and feelings throughout the exercise and what were your thoughts on completion?
  3. Tune in! Listen to some music – worship or chart! What words in the songs stand out for you or might say something about God or the world?
  4. Netflix and pray! Watch a film or a TV show with friends or family and then talk together afterwards about what you might have learned or noticed. Does it remind you of a particular Bible story or passage? Where might you have experienced or seen God in the story?
  5. For the bookworms! Think about a book you have read recently that you enjoyed or that inspired you. What feelings did it bring about for you and why? Where did you see glimpses of God in the story?
  6. All the feels! Take part in a sensory activity – paddle in a cold stream (or stick your feet in a cold bath!) or sit in a quiet spot and listen to the birdsong and other sounds around you, or gaze at the stars on a clear night. What might God be saying to you through these sensations?
  7. Get biblical! Choose a guided Bible meditation to take part in on the TakeTime website. What might God have said to you as you wondered about the questions in the meditation?
  8. Justice league! Spend some time reading about or researching a social justice issue that you really care about (like the climate crisis, poverty, homelessness, war, refugees, Covid-19 and health). Do you think God cares about this issue too? What might God want to say to you or to us about this subject?
  9. Get schooled! Think about some of the things you’ve learned at school (or home school) in the last few weeks. Has anything surprised you or made you so interested you want to find out more? What are you curious about and where is God in that curiosity?
  10. Everyday influencers! Think about a person who you admire, love or are inspired by. Or has someone done something recently that has really blessed you and made you feel thankful? Is there anything about that person that teaches you something about God or Jesus?
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