Bishop Auckland Methodist Church

Church Events

Click here to learn about our church’s Open House Warm Space, open Mondays and Fridays and also to see what is happening this week.

Please let know if something needs updating.

Table ready for food!

A typical week at Bishop Auckland Methodist Church includes different events to which new faces are always welcome:

Sunday – Worship at 10.30am followed possibly by a Christening at 12.15/12.30pm
Monday & Friday 10-Noon Open House for Warm Spaces Drop in and have a cuppa – coffee, tea, hot choc all on offer – and find out more about us!
Monday 7.30pm in term-time – Ladies Keep Fit
Wednesday fortnightly at 2pm – Homemakers for the ladies
Thursday 1.30pm in term-time – Carpet Bowls
Saturday fortnightly 10am-12noon – Contact Centre every first and third Saturday so the church is closed to all callers

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