Bishop Auckland Methodist Church


We would love you to book your child’s christening with us. Please contact the church on this contact form to make an enquiry and/or to make a christening booking – subject to date availability. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your desired date is available.

For bookings you will need to contact Rev. David Payne:

Our Baptismal Font
Our Baptismal Font

Christenings at Bishop Auckland Methodist Church usually take place on a Sunday and take 30 minutes to 35 minutes or a little longer if more than one child is to be christened that day.

A Christening at Bishop Auckland Methodist Church has no cost, but there is an offering box as you enter/leave the ceremony if you and your guests do wish give a donation as a thank you afterwards or else use the Dona button and donate in advance or afterwards through this website if you wish to avoid handling cash.

Please contact the minister, Rev David, if you have any further questions.

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