We will notice God in Scripture, and the world
Rev John has a love of scripture that dates back to his teenage years and an evangelical conversion, and that has been enhanced through Bible College training and now 24 years of Methodist ministry on circuit, where he has always led Bible study groups as a key part of his understanding of what it means to be a presbyter to a people called Methodist.
Over eight years with people from this church, and others across the circuit and beyond, in the meeting room, by Zoom, and now available both in person and by computer link, he has shared his love with others who have contributed to his understanding of what the Bible means for our lives today.
Join him in his last series, on Tuesdays at 1.30pm, throughout June and July as he takes a ‘Green Bible’ look at the lectionary readings which are set for the Sundays during this period. We begin on 6th June with Genesis 1:1-2:4a • Psalm 8 • 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 • Matthew 28:16-20 and the added insight of Bill McKibben. All will be welcome.