Bishop Auckland Methodist Church

October 27th – Your faith is growing

Hope’s Reflection Slides:

Slides with Millie’s choice of music:

Hannah’s Creative Prayer ideas

Morning Worship

Luke 18:9-14, ‘The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.’

In the parable, the Pharisee prays in front of everyone and uses his prayer to look down on the people around him, including a tax collector. The tax collector stands at a distance to everyone around him and prays “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The parable tells us that the tax collector went home justified by God, not the Pharisee.

We have all made mistakes in life and this parable tells us that the most important thing to God is to humble ourselves and repent.

Are you like the Pharisee or the tax collector? Do you need to repent?

Dear Lord,
We pray for humility in our hearts. Let us be kind, gentle, loving and forgiving wherever we may go. Allow pride to never get the best of us. Help us to not have a boastful tongue against anyone. Let humility invade our souls.

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