Bishop Auckland Methodist Church

A Warm Space with a Warm Welcome

Our Warm Space offers everyone a warm welcome

Monday 10am – Noon

We are open two days but work in partnership with the Baptist Church across the street, who will open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Friday 10am – Noon

We offer

Wi-fi, Parking, Accessible toilets, Hot drinks, Refreshments,               
Co-working desks, Charging facilities and Free computer access

Our Open House Team

will be present throughout a visit to the Warm Space should you wish a friendly chat or to have a cup of tea with. If people need additional help or support with the cost of living, our team will put them in touch with organisations that might be able to help.  

Final Week: 3rd – 8th April (Holy Week)
– you are also welcome on

  • Thursday 9.30pm – Maundy Thursday Service with Rev John
  • Good Friday 12 noon – Live Stream of Passion Play from Trafalgar Square during Warm Space which will finish at 2pm today

Next Sunday 10.30am – Worship for Easter Sunday at 10.30am with Rev John Purdy

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