Thank you to the Climate Stewards for the information below and their Lenten challenges for 2023. Sign up to receive emails from them through Lent: https://www.climatestewards.org/resources/carbon-fast/
This week’s challenge and prayer is quoted from their email below:
Week 6 Challenge: Fast from Driving
The more we can reduce our reliance on fossil-fuel powered transport, the better for the planet!
The Challenge: Fast from driving this week, especially on regular trips where you can plan ahead. If possible, use public transport, walk or cycle to get to work, church, shopping or other regular activities. Think about how you can combine trips rather than take lots of shorter trips. If you need to use a car for reasons of mobility, getting to work or transporting others, consider offering or sharing lifts.
Why? In the UK, transport accounts for 24% of all carbon emissions, making it the largest emitting sector of greenhouse gas emissions (closely followed by energy at 21%). Private cars contribute over half of the UK’s transport emissions. Even electric cars have an embedded carbon footprint from the energy and resources used in their manufacture.
Switching to public transport, walking and cycling are not only good for the planet, they are good for us too; we get more exercise, opportunities to chat to neighbours and fellow passengers, and to connect with the natural world. Learn more about carbon emissions from transport from this BBC article or go into more detail from the Department for Transport.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful for all the ways in which we can get around sustainably – buses and trains, lift-sharing, walking and cycling. We know change is difficult and complex but we pray for boldness and finances to invest in safe, sustainable transport for all.
God, grant us the courage to do our part in loving our neighbours as ourselves by being an example of hope and love in our own lives, as well as using our voice to advocate for climate justice in our local area and round the world.
We pray this is in Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Carbon Fast for Lent was created and is run by Climate Stewards.