Thank you to the Climate Stewards for the information below and their Lenten challenges for 2023. Sign up to receive emails from them through Lent: https://www.climatestewards.org/resources/carbon-fast/
This week’s challenge and prayer is quoted from their email below:
Week 3: Fast from meat or dairy
Well done for completing the first Carbon Fast challenge! How did you find it? Comment below.
This week we dive into a challenge which may be familiar to many of us: reducing meat consumption for the health of the planet.
The Challenge: Fast from meat and fish. If you are already a vegetarian, fast from dairy products this week. If you are vegan, choose a favourite sweet treat to fast from this week.
Choose delicious but basic meals, such as rice and beans with vegetables, dhal with naan or roti, vegetarian lasagne, or vegetable curry. Need a few recipe ideas? Check out BBC Good Food and Veganuary for easy recipes and inspiration. (Note: if you have health conditions or concerns, talk with your GP before changing your diet).

Why? Globally, livestock production accounts for 15% of all carbon emissions. We all need to eat much less meat and fish, and ensure that what we do eat is produced in a sustainable way. What we eat matters, and generally what is good for us is good for the planet. Beef is particularly bad; read more in this article.This is a complex issue and it’s important to point out that the carbon footprint of our food depends on how and where it is produced. The graphic above shows the ranges of carbon emissions for different foods.
Heavenly Father, we thank you that we have more than enough to eat, and for the pleasure that eating brings. Help us to consider carefully the impact of our food choices on the planet. We pray for those near and far who are in food poverty, and for farmers and families around the world where climate change is causing floods, droughts and reducing yields. Give us wisdom and restraint as we seek to live more simply so that others may simply live.

The Carbon Fast for Lent was created and is run by Climate Stewards.