Sunday 11th September: 24th Sunday in Ordinary time
Listen to the service as a radio broadcast on 105.9 BishopFM just after the 11am Sunday morning news, or stream it on the website through YouTube at whatever time you wish from 8am – See below…
Below you can find the radio podcast if you can’t listen on 105.9 BishopFM and also the YouTube video stream, which will go live at 8 am on Sunday.
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Radio podcast for 105.9BishopFM
This week’s radio service was changed following the death of Queen Elizabeth as was felt appropriate by our ministers Rev David Payne and Rev John Purdy. Listen the service of a vigil on the death of our Sovereign prepared by them with prayers produced by the Methodist Connexion here:
This Week’s YouTube broadcast
Roger Gibson leads this morning’s YouTube service which was recorded early Thursday before the sad passing of our Queen. Rev John has added prayers at the start following this sad event. In Church Roger will amend his service to mark her passing and to pray for our new Sovereign, King Charles III.
Susan’s Sermon
Susan’s sermon was also recorded before the death of Queen Elizabeth II and Rev John has added here also a prayer at the start of the service for all who mourn her passing and for our new King.