Rev John is a Companion of Green Christian and follows the Green Christian Way of Life. They have produced this resource to help people pray, reflect and take action to lobby as we move closer to the COP26 meeting in Glasgow at the start of November. He invites you to use the resources below.
As the Season of Creation begins Green Christian is launching Why Faith Matters at COP26, a lively visual presentation highlighting the four main areas which we feel COP decision-makers need to address:
- our interconnectedness with nature;
- the importance of climate justice to protect the vulnerable;
- the potential for wellbeing without ever-increasing consumption;
- the significance of hope if change is to be achieved.
How to use Why Faith Matters at COP26
Can you help Green Christian get Why Faith Matters at COP26 to our own MP and local councillors? See a sample message you can send to her with the weblink. Why Faith Matters at COP26 supports the call for action in the Glasgow Action Plan in a visual and imaginative way which Green Christian hope our MP will find inspiring and helpful.
Reflect and pray
All the Reflections written for Green Christian by leading Christian theologians and climate activists are now on our website.
A Novena of Prayer based on Why Faith Matters at COP26: They invite us to start each of the next nine days into Creation Season with the prayer written by GC member Catherine Fish. Then simply spend some time looking at Why Faith Matters at COP26 and letting the Holy Spirit move you to pray for all who will be participating in COP26 as they reach for decisions which will affect us all.
If you want to download your own copy of the resource, it can be found in PowerPoint and pdf formats on the Green Christian ‘Why Faith matters at COP26 webpage’.