This week, I would like you to think about everything that worries you, and how you can stop this. This current time is a very worrying time, so its understandable to have things that may upset or worry you. These could simply be not seeing your family or friends, or something more. Whatever worries you, think about it. Now… How can you stop this? Can you ring a family member to stop the worries or upset? Can you write them a letter?
The Bible reading for this week is Mark 1.14-20. Click on the reading to read it. What worries do you think the fisherman in the story will have had?
A prayer for others (for children)
We pray, Lord Jesus, for those who need to make decisions today:
give them courage.
We pray for those who long to do something different:
give them hope.
We pray for those who are doing their best to follow you:
give them reassurance.
Amen. (Taken from roots on the web)
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A sending out prayer for children
When opportunity beckons: be bold.
When Jesus calls: be ready.
When we are asked to do something different: be prepared.
In Jesus’ name.