3 Generate 365 – a new online venture for young people within the Methodist Church…

Getting involved with 365
3Generate TV
Visit 3Generate TV for videos from past 3Generate events on a number of subjects, as well as playlists for Get Creative!, Sports & Physicality and Agents of Change.
3Generate App
Download the 3Generate App (it’s coming soon) for access to: President/rep voting, news updates, sharing their voice, quizzes, polls and stories. If you can’t access the app then we have web page alternatives.
Tune In events
3Generate 365 will be hosting two exciting ‘Tune In’ events during November and January, hosted by the Youth President, Phoebe. These will be live streamed broadcasts where there will be interviews, worship, fun, challenges and a chance to interact via Zoom polls and on social media. Tune In events will be held on Saturday 21 November 2020 and Saturday 30 January 2021.
Agents of change: children and young people
Agents of Change: young adults
Our Agents of Change work aims to inspire and equip you and other children/young people to be activists, volunteers, campaigners, peace-makers and project-starters. Go to our agents of change pages to find out more:
Eg: Green Agents of Change
For children and young people passionate about climate justice!
The Children, Youth and Family Team recently hosted our first online gatherings for children and young people in the Methodist Church who are passionate about climate justice.
The aim of these events was to start a conversation that:
- explores what motivates and inspires children and young people’s involvement in climate justice
- names and celebrates what children and young people are already doing in the name of climate justice
- asks children and young people what else they think the Methodist Church should be doing – locally and nationally
- asks children and young people what they want to be involved in and how they want to be supported or consulted
- explores with children and young people how their faith and their climate justice work overlaps.

Grace, aged 8, attended the session for 8 – 11 year olds. Read the article she wrote for her church magazine here.
Why not consider submitting your own article about climate justice to your church magazine, newsletter or website?
Youth President and Youth Rep voting
This year voting for both the Youth President and Youth Reps will take place from 21 November to 21 December, via the 3Gen App or on the website (more information to come soon).
Who will you choose?
For Youth President
Mary – Candidate for Methodist Youth President
Zariel – Candidate for Methodist Youth President
Daud – Candidate for Methodist Youth President
For Global Church Rep:
Meg – Candidate for Global Church Rep
Liddy – Candidate for Global Church Rep
For Social Justice Rep:
Rachael – Candidate for Social Justice Rep
Emily – Candidate for Social Justice Rep
For Ecumenical Rep:
Isabel – Candidate for Ecumenical Rep
Martha – Candidate for Ecumenical Rep
For Conference Rep:
Matthew – Candidate for Conference Rep
Rachel – Candidate for Conference Rep
Roxanne – Candidate for Conference Rep
For Council Rep:
Verity – Candidate for Conference Rep