A prayer for students receiving exam grades and navigating their future options in education and work:
Generous God, your call on our lives is always towards life, hope and grace.
We pray for all those young people who received their exam results only to be left with uncertainty and confusion.
We give thanks that you journey with them in joy and in sorrow.
We ask your blessing on them as they navigate their next step knowing that you are there for them always.
- As we rejoice with those who will receive good news, we ask your blessing on them, knowing that you celebrate with us whenever life is rich and rewarding.
- Bless also, we pray, those who are burdened with anxious thoughts and comfort those who may face disappointment.
- Finally we pray for those who still wait, in hope and amid uncertainty: keep watch with them, loving God, and be their strength.
Remind us again of the infinite value which you place on every single life, and of your promise in Jesus to guide us to new life and purpose.
Teach us how to use all the gifts of mind and heart which you have given us, that we may work, and speak, and think for you, and for a fairer, more gracious world.
In all things, help us to know that we are never alone or abandoned, because, in Jesus, you meet us all and lead us together towards fullness of life.