Unfortunately at the moment Rev John has five funerals over the next couple of weeks in the diary. As a congregation we pray for the families he is supporting at this time, especially as so few are allowed to gather at the Crematorium, leaving many remembering their loved neighbour, relative or friend alone at home…
Bob Robinson, husband of Brenda, both members of our congregation, passed away last Thursday. We remember Brenda and family in our prayers.
Rev John today conducted the funeral of Rita, a good friend from Eden House who worshipped with us when the group came across from the home. We hold the family in our prayers also:

The Methodist Church has produced a sheet which folk can use during this time when they can’t attend the funeral service. For those he is supporting, Rev John personalises it with music selected by the family for the service at the Crematorium, so that they have something to help them mark the service as it is taking place.